Finstr provides the right tools and resources for your financial planning needs

Fundraising support for game studios

The result? A dedicated solution for game developers and studios

Get access to the following tools:

Financial Forecasting Model

You will have access to our latest financial forecasting model dedicated to the gaming industry. Then, thanks to out configuration wizard, you will be bale to tailor every financial plan to your specific needs.

With a few clicks, you can add DLCs or subscriptions to your model and run different simulations, estimating at which sales volume your game turns profitable.

Get a detailed financial plan of your game.
A financial toolkit for game developers

Fundraising resources

When raising money from investors or especially when applying for government grants, you will need to provide financial projections. 

With Finstr you will get access to financial projections, that are approved by various investors and government agencies. You can also individually access your projections and copy and paste them into grant templates. 

Acadamy & Insights

In our academy, you will find explanation videos and resources. This resource will help you in the creation of your financial plan and boost your confidence when discussing with the investors. 

There, we regularly post member only content, which includes interviews with industry experts and general industry insights. 

Finance Terms and Resources for game development
KPI tracking in Game Development

Reporting & KPI tracking

Because every forecast has a high likelihood of being wrong, we provide an extremely helpful tool that is used to track your performance together with the forecast. This tools ensures transparency and continuous control, allowing you to adjust your planning and to better manage your cashflows, achieving better results.

Our product release timeline for 2023

Finstr Rlease timeline

A dedicated financial planning solution for game development

Finstr Financial Planner for game development

Interested? Contact us today!

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